Our team of professional recruiters and technical consultants engage and deliver a full range of recruitment services, offering recruitment solutions.
Apart from providing end to end recruitment solutions to corporate,
we are long established in technology based and code-based pre-employment testing.
Our hands-on testing on role-based simulations brings out the true software skills matrix and the guess work from recruitment process.
In the world of GT training and consulting, there is a bewildering array of choices.

  • We differentiate ourselves by involving professional technical consultants and trainers in the recruitment process like screening, assessing and interviewing candidates.
  • Delivering most precise and perfect match to your technical requirements.
  • We owe a huge thanks to our alumnus community for joining us on this awesome journey for more than a decade, and we hope that you’ll continue to be a part of our story.

Our technical consultants are Consultants and Developers that have more than eight many years of professional hands on experience in designing and developing applications utilizing Java, python and Databases related technologies.
This enables them to work with, and advice, both clients and candidates in all areas of the IT place.

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